This is an intriguing program and one certainly worth considering.
As the Hearing Officer in Superintedent’s Disciplinary Hearings for more than a decade, I often felt hamstrung in meting out consequences.
New York State law allows only for suspension as punishment. Counseling, alternative behavior modification programs, and creative solutions can only be recommended, not mandated…
Syllabus and his ten score lessons entitled “The Ten Teachings in Making No Room For Vengeance In Our Schools/Community” meets the requirements of DASA and goes a long way towards bringing appropriate interventions to schools to create a safe and humane learning environment…
By the very fragile nature of adolescents and children in general, all schools need to equip their students to manage conflict in a way that promotes growth and learning.
This book and the T.A.S.T.E. program are a wonderfully comprehensive and practical set of tools for all educators…
This program was incredibly thought-provoking and I highly recommend it for audiences of all ages…
I believe this program will be an asset to the BOCES program and anyone that has the opportunity to be a part of it…
We are finding that it really works in helping the children.
There is much less recidivism. Not only are they doing it to help themselves, they are giving back to the victims and the community and it gives them accountability.
We only implement programs if they work. This one does…